How a Fintech Leader Achieves 80% Cost Reduction with enreap’s Managed DevOps Services

Read how enreap helped a leading financial technology provider with a DevOps implementations to ensure better work alignment & productivity


80% increase in cost effectiveness

5X effective utilization of resources

95% better resource estimation


Manual project tracking & lack of centralized project management

Data extraction dependency

Redundant & underutilized software tools

The Solution

Our experts implemented a series of improvements to client's IT ecosystem, helping their teams work more productively and collaboratively, and enabling management to make better decisions

Creating a standalone app to integrate client's existing tools and automate repetitive tasks.

Configuring Planning Poker on Jira to enable real-time estimation and forecasting.

Migrating data from Stack Overflow to GitHub to save costs and improve efficiency.

Creating a tool to extract audit data from different tools in an informative and accessible format.

Value Delivered

The infrastructural improvements facilitated by our team helped this leading fintech to achieve significant business benefits

Reduced costs by 80%

Increased resource utilization by 5X

Improved resource estimation by 95%

Elevate Your Operations with Seamless DevOps Management